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param (
[string] $ApplicationId,
[string] $Subject,
[string] $certBase64

$certBytes = [System.Convert]::FromBase64String($certBase64)

# Compute SHA-256 hash
$sha1 = [System.Security.Cryptography.SHA1]::Create()
$hashBytes = $sha1.ComputeHash($certBytes)
$hashString = -join ($hashBytes | ForEach-Object { $_.ToString("x2") })
Write-Output "SHA-1 Hash: $hashString"


$appInfo = az ad app show --id $ApplicationId --output json | ConvertFrom-Json

# find the cert
$found = $false
$appInfo.keyCredentials | ForEach-Object {
if ($_.type -eq "AsymmetricX509Cert") {

if ($_.customKeyIdentifier -eq $hashString) {
$found = $true
if ($found) {
write-host "Cert already exists with hash $hashString" -ForegroundColor Yellow

The az ad app credential reset command will add a new certificate to the application.

It requires az to be logged in with a role that has the necessary permissions to update the application.

az ad app credential reset --id $ApplicationId --cert $certBase64 --append
# $appInfo.keyCredentials