param (
$secret = "This is a secret"
$root = [System.IO.Path]::GetFullPath(( join-path $PSScriptRoot ..))
. "$root/.koksmat/pwsh/check-env.ps1" "GRAPH_APPID", "GRAPH_APPSECRET", "GRAPH_APPDOMAIN", "OWNER_UPN", "SENDER_UPN", "SPN_CREDS"
. "$root/.koksmat/pwsh/connectors/graph/connect.ps1"
$appInfo = az ad app show --id $env:TARGET_APPID --output json | ConvertFrom-Json
$credential = Convertfrom-json $env:SPN_CREDS
$creds = @{
"clientSecret" = $credential.password
"clientId" = $credential.appId
"tenantId" = $credential.tenant
"subscriptionId" = $credential.subscriptionId
$json = $creds | ConvertTo-Json
$uploadedFile = GraphAPI `
-method "PUT" `
-url "$env:OWNER_UPN/drive/root:/koksmat/apps/azure/$env:GRAPH_APPDOMAIN/$($credential.displayName)/credentials.txt:/content" `
-headers @{
"Content-Type" = "text/plain"
} `
-body @"
# This is JSON representation of the credentials
$message = @"
Hi there, a new secret is available for you to use.
#.Replace("`n", "\\n")
write-host $message
GraphAPI `
-method "POST" `
-url "$env:SENDER_UPN/sendMail" `
-body @"
"message": {
"subject": "Your Service Principal has been updated",
"body": {
"contentType": "Text",
"content": "$message"
"toRecipients": [
"emailAddress": {
"address": "$env:OWNER_UPN"
"saveToSentItems": "true"
Environment Variables Used
| Environment Variable | |----------------------|| GRAPH_ACCESSTOKEN | | GRAPH_APPDOMAIN | | OWNER_UPN | | SENDER_UPN | | SPN_CREDS | | TARGET_APPID |