Renew Service Principal Connection String
Add a certificate to an application and share the secret with the owner
End result is that a text file containing the environment variables needed to connect a Service Principal is created and shared with the owner using the owners OneDrive.
The owners gets an email notifying them that connection information has been shared with them.
$root = [System.IO.Path]::GetFullPath(( join-path $PSScriptRoot ..))
. "$root/.koksmat/pwsh/check-env.ps1" "GRAPH_APPID", "GRAPH_APPSECRET", "GRAPH_APPDOMAIN", "OWNER_UPN", "TARGET_APPID"
$subject = "CN=$env:OWNER_UPN"
try {
Generate a certificate
. "$PSScriptRoot/generate-cert.ps1"
New-Cert -SubjectName $subject -BaseFileName "app"
Add the certificate to the application
$certDir = $env:CERTDIR
$pfx = Get-Content -Path (join-path $certDir "app.b64pfx") -Raw
$cert = Get-Content -Path (join-path $certDir "app.b64cer") -Raw
. "$PSScriptRoot/add-cert.ps1" -ApplicationId $env:TARGET_APPID -Subject $subject -certBase64 $cert
Share the secret with the owner
. "$PSScriptRoot/share-secret.ps1" -secret $pfx
catch {
write-host "Error: $_" -ForegroundColor:Red
Environment Variables Used
| Environment Variable | |----------------------|| CERTDIR | | OWNER_UPN | | TARGET_APPID |