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Getting started

Status: draft

This guide will help you get started with developing a new app for the Koksmat platform.



  • A GitHub account
  • A browser
  • React development experience

Copy code and start a Code Space

Fork the UI Repository

Make a clone of the repository by forking, include all branches by unchecking the "Copy the main branch only"

Direct link to create a fork:

Start a GitHub Code Space

When in you fork, change the branch to the appropriate one - suggest tools for now, then start a GitHub Code Space

Install dependencies and connect

Install dependencies

Open a terminal and run the following commands

cd apps/www
pnpm install

Connect to a cluster

Open a terminal and run the following commands

az login --use-device-code
az account set --subscription "Office365 admin" -o table
az aks install-cli
az aks get-credentials --resource-group magicbox --name magicbox-dev


Merged "magicbox-prod" as current context in /home/codespace/.kube/config

Create .env file

Create a .env file in the /apps/www folder with the following content


Replace the username and password with the credentials you got from the cluster administrator

Create a new app subfolder

Within the repo, navigate to /ui/app/www/apps/starters.

Copy the starter folder and rename it to the name of your app - e.g. myapp.


Establish a connection to the database in the cluster

Port forward to the database

kubectl port-forward services/prod-mongos 27017:27017 -n percona

Start debugging

In VS Code Hit debug Navigate to http://localhost:4321/myapp

Initial Training

Magicbox Framework

Basic understanding of the framework

NextJS Framwork

Basic understanding of the NextJS framework

Magicbox UI

Basic understanding on how to develop a “Magicbox Applications”


  • React components
  • React hooks: useState,useContext,useMemo
  • React server side actions
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Microsoft Auth Library (MSAL)
  • Magicbox API

How to develop a new app

The UI modules are implemented using the App router in the NextJS framework.

Screen shots

Fork the repository

Change to "tools" branch

Create a codespace