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Room Management Case

I like to make a high level walk through on how I have made a model for triggering the executing PowerShells script in a bi-directional way.


Creating a room

As a person managing meetingsrooms, I like to have a simple way of creating new rooms so that they can be booked in Outlook and Teams as well as integrate with Cisco and Microsoft Teams meeting room devices .

param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]


$alias = $Name.Split("(")[0].Trim().Replace(" ", "-").ToLower()
$mailbox = New-Mailbox -Name "room-$alias" -DisplayName "$Name" -Room -ResourceCapacity $Capacity

$result = @{
MailAddress = $mailbox.WindowsEmailAddress
ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $result
| Out-File -FilePath $PSScriptRoot/output.json -Encoding:utf8NoBOM



Kubernetes cluster



Koksmat CLI

NextJS app

Koksmat GO application

The Koksmat CLI is a kind of Swizz knife with the purpose of having one applicationm capeable of being called for different purposes. The Koksmat CLI is a Go application and the source code is available on GitHub.

Repository for PowerShell script

Hosting environment for the PowerShell script

API for triggering the executiong

Nextjs application

UI for listing the rooms

Client components for triggering the execution

API for triggering the server side


SharePoint list


PowerShell script

The script to execute

PowerShell script wrapper

Room domain model

Room API usecase

Room Rest API interface

SharePoint list

Contains various metadata for controlling the Room

React table list

UI component for listing the rooms

Context actions

UI column component for presenting the actions available for a room

Context usecase provider

React context provider for the usecases controlling the presentation of the actions state component

Action state component

Provides the mean to call the UI API for starting the server side execution of the call to the PowerShell hosting environment

Event receiver

To be implemented

Triggered when a new item is added or updated to the SharePoint list